
미디블 2 토탈워


 faction standing parameters
; ===========================

; initialisation parameters

min_faction_standing -1.0
max_faction_standing 1.0



; trigger information
; faction_standing updated with the command:
;   FactionStanding [AFFECTED_HANDLE] [affected_handle_parameters] opt:[MODIFER_HANDLE] opt:[modifier_handle_parameter_1] opt:[modifier_handle_parameter_1]
; Available AFFECTED_HANDLE's and their parameters are as follows:
;    factions { [faction_label_1] [faction_label_2] [etc] }  --> A list of factions to be affected, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    target_faction       --> the target_faction attached to the event, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    religion [religion_label]      --> all factions of the specified religion, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    own_religion       --> all factions of the same religion as the faction of the event, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    target_religion       --> all factions of the same religion as the target faction of the event, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    global        --> the faction of the event (i.e. own faction)
;    exclude_factions { [faction_label_1] [faction_label_2] [etc] } --> A list of factions not to be affected, (own faction automatically excluded)
;    allies        --> all factions allied with the faction attached to the trigger
;    enemies        --> all factions at war with the faction attached to the trigger
;    target_allies       --> all factions allied with the target faction attached to the trigger
;    target_enemies       --> all factions at war with the target_faction attached to the trigger
; Available MODIFIER_HANDLE's and their corresponding parameters
;    [value]     --> add this 'value' to the affected faction standings
;    amount [divisor] [value]   --> for every 'divisor' unit of the event amount, add 'value' to the affected faction standings
;    income [divisor] [value]   --> for every 'divisor' unit of the event factions income, add 'value' to the affected faction standings
;    normalise [target_faction_standing] [divisor] --> for each affected faction standing, add (target_faction_standing - faction_standing)/divisor
;    per_unit [value]    --> for each unit in the events army, add 'value' to the affected faction standings


Trigger 0001_P_Build_Small_Church
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = small_church

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.02

Trigger 0002_P_Build_Church
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = church

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.04

Trigger 0003_P_Build_Abbey
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = abbey

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.06

Trigger 0004_P_Build_Cathedral
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = cathedral

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.16

Trigger 0005_P_Build_Huge_Cathedral
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = huge_cathedral

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0006_P_Build_Small_Chapel
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = small_chapel

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.02

Trigger 0007_P_Build_Chapel
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition SettlementBuildingFinished = chapel

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.04

Trigger 0008_P_Built_First_Small_Church_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction small_church = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.04

Trigger 0009_P_Built_First_Church_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction church = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.08

Trigger 0010_P_Built_First_Abbey_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction abbey = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.12

Trigger 0011_P_Built_First_Cathedral_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction cathedral = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.16

Trigger 0012_P_Built_First_Huge_Cathedral_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction huge_cathedral = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0013_P_Built_First_Small_Chapel_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction small_chapel = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.04

Trigger 0014_P_Built_First_Chapel_Faction
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompletedFaction chapel = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.08

Trigger 0015_P_Built_First_Cathedral_World
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompleted cathedral = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0016_P_Built_First_Huge_Cathedral_World
    WhenToTest BuildingCompleted

    Condition NumBuildingsCompleted huge_cathedral = 1

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2


Trigger 0017_P_Destroy_Small_Church
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = small_church

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0018_P_Destroy_Church
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = church

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.2

Trigger 0019_P_Destroy_Abbey
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = abbey

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.4

Trigger 0020_P_Destroy_Cathedral
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = cathedral

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.6

Trigger 0021_P_Destroy_Huge_Cathedral
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = huge_cathedral

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -1.0

Trigger 0022_P_Destroy_Small_Chapel
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = small_chapel

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0023_P_Destroy_Chapel
    WhenToTest BuildingDestroyed

    Condition BuildingName = chapel

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.2

;;;; TBD buildings destroyed in battle


Trigger 0050_P_General_Arrives_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralArrivesCrusadeTargetRegion

    Condition IsCrusade

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.02
    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } per_unit 0.002

Trigger 0051_P_Heir_Arrives_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralArrivesCrusadeTargetRegion

    Condition IsCrusade
              and IsFactionHeir

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0052_P_King_Arrives_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralArrivesCrusadeTargetRegion

    Condition IsCrusade
              and IsFactionLeader

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.6

Trigger 0053_P_General_Takes_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralTakesCrusadeTarget

    Condition IsCrusade

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0054_P_Heir_Takes_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralTakesCrusadeTarget

    Condition IsCrusade
              and IsFactionHeir

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0055_P_King_Takes_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest GeneralTakesCrusadeTarget

    Condition IsCrusade
              and IsFactionLeader

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.6

Trigger 0056_P_Army_Takes_Crusade_Target
    WhenToTest ArmyTakesCrusadeTarget

    Condition IsCrusade

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } per_unit 0.002

Trigger 0057_P_Character_Attacks_Crusading_General
    WhenToTest CharacterAttacksCrusadingGeneral

    Condition IsTargetOnCrusade

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.4

Trigger 0058_P_Crusade_Attacks_Orthodox_General
 WhenToTest GeneralAssaultsGeneral
 Condition IsOnCrusade
     and TargetFactionReligion orthodox
 FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.4

;Trigger 0059_P_Crusade_Attacks_Orthodox_Residence
; WhenToTest GeneralAssaultsResidence

; Condition IsOnCrusade
;     and TargetFactionReligion orthodox

; FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.4


Trigger 0030_P_Recruit_Priest_Papal
    WhenToTest AgentCreated

    Condition TrainedAgentType = priest
        and FactionReligion catholic

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.02

Trigger 0031_P_Faction_Excommunicated
    WhenToTest FactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -1.0


Trigger 0100_Success_Pope_Min_Reward_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_reward_only
    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0101_Success_Pope_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_penalty_min_reward
    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0102_Success_Pope_Mod_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_mod_penalty_min_reward
    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0103_Success_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0104_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Mod_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_mod_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0104_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0105_Success_Pope_Mod_Reward_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_mod_reward_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0106_Success_Pope_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0107_Success_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0108_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0109_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Mod_Reward_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_mod_reward_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

Trigger 0110_Success_Pope_Major_Reward_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_major_reward_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0111_Success_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Major_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_major_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0112_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Major_Reward_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_major_reward_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0113_Success_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Major_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionSuccess

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_major_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0120_Fail_Pope_Min_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0121_Fail_Pope_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0122_Fail_Pope_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0123_Fail_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0124_Fail_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0125_Fail_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0126_Fail_Pope_Rome_Min_Penalty_Major_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_min_penalty_major_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0127_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0128_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0129_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Mod_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_mod_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0130_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Min_Penalty_Major_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_min_penalty_major_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

Trigger 0131_Fail_Pope_Mod_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_mod_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0132_Fail_Pope_Mod_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_mod_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0133_Fail_Pope_Rome_Mod_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_mod_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0134_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Mod_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_mod_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0135_Fail_Pope_Cardinal_Mod_Penalty_Min_Reward
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_cardinal_mod_penalty_min_reward

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0136_Fail_Pope_Major_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_major_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.2

Trigger 0137_Fail_Pope_Rome_Major_Penalty_Only
    WhenToTest LeaderMissionFailed

    Condition PaybackID pope_rome_major_penalty_only

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.2



Trigger 0033_P_Give_Money
    WhenToTest GiveMoney

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states
   and  DiplomaticStanceFromFaction papal_states < AtWar

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } amount 50 0.002

Trigger 0034_P_Give_Settlement
    WhenToTest GiveSettlement

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states
   and  DiplomaticStanceFromFaction papal_states < AtWar

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } income 1000 0.06

Trigger 0035_P_Give_Rome
    WhenToTest GiveSettlement

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states
          and  SettlementName Rome
   and  DiplomaticStanceFromFaction papal_states < AtWar

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.6

Trigger 0036_P_Alliance_Declared
    WhenToTest FactionAllianceDeclared

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0037_P_Break_Alliance
    WhenToTest FactionBreakAlliance

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.6

Trigger 0038_P_Successful_Diplomacy
    WhenToTest DiplomacyMission

    Condition MissionSucceeded
          and TargetFactionType papal_states

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.06

Trigger 0039_P_War_Declared
    WhenToTest FactionWarDeclared

    Condition  TargetFactionType papal_states

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.3


Trigger 0040_P_Cardinal_Promoted
    WhenToTest CardinalPromoted

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.1

Trigger 0041_P_Cardinal_Removed
    WhenToTest CardinalRemoved

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.1

Trigger 0042_P_Own_Pope_Elected
    WhenToTest PopeElected

    Condition FactionEqualsTarget

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.8

Trigger 0043_P_Allied_Pope_Elected
    WhenToTest PopeElected

    Condition DiplomaticStanceWithNewPope = Allied
          and not FactionEqualsTarget

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.4

Trigger 0044_P_At_War_Pope_Elected
    WhenToTest PopeElected

    Condition DiplomaticStanceWithNewPope = AtWar
          and not FactionEqualsTarget

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.6

Trigger 0045_P_Voted_For_Pope
    WhenToTest VotedForPope

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } 0.2

;; MISC ;;

Trigger 0046_P_Normalise
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } normalise 0 50

Trigger 0047_P_Inquisitor_Appointed
    WhenToTest InquisitorAppointed

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.2

Trigger 0048_P_Assassin_Caught_Attacking_Pope
    WhenToTest AssassinCaughtAttackingPope

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -1.0

; Make the papal states dislike other religions
Trigger 0049_P_Normalise_Non_catholic
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition not FactionReligion catholic

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } normalise -1 50


Trigger 0100_T_Invaded_Settlement
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_SETTLEMENT
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.08

Trigger 0101_T_Invaded_Fort
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_FORT
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.03

Trigger 0102_T_Invaded_Watchtower
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_WATCHTOWER
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.03

Trigger 0103_T_Declared_War
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_DECLARED_WAR
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.08

Trigger 0104_T_Instigate_Siege
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INSTIGATE_SIEGE
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.02

Trigger 0105_T_Threaten_War
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_THREATEN_WAR
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.02

Trigger 0106_T_Undeclared_Attack
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.05

    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INSTIGATE_ASSAULT
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.01

Trigger 0108_T_BLOCKADE
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BLOCKADE
  and TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionExcommunicated

    FactionStanding factions { papal_states } -0.03


Trigger 0049_T_Attacking_Crusading_General
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_ATTACKING_CRUSADING_GENERAL

    FactionStanding target_religion normalise -1.0 10

Trigger 0050_T_Invaded_Fort
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_FORT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80

Trigger 0051_T_Stole_Back_Settlement
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_STOLE_BACK_SETTLEMENT

    FactionStanding global -1.0
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 2
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20

Trigger 0052_T_Invaded_Settlement
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_SETTLEMENT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0053_T_Invaded_Watchtower
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVADED_WATCHTOWER

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80

Trigger 0055_T_Invasion_Neutral
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVASION
        and not DiplomaticStanceFactions = Allied

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 50

Trigger 0055a_T_Invasion
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INVASION
        and DiplomaticStanceFactions = Allied

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 100

Trigger 0055b_T_Invasion_Flee
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_FLEE_INVASION

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 200

Trigger 0055c_T_Invasion_Crusade
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_CRUSADE_INVASION
  and FactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionReligion catholic
  and not TargetFactionReligion orthodox

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 50
    FactionStanding target_religion normalise -1.0 200

Trigger 0055d_T_Invasion_Jihad
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_CRUSADE_INVASION
  and FactionReligion islam
  and not TargetFactionReligion islam

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 50
    FactionStanding target_religion normalise -1.0 200

Trigger 0056_T_Nullified_Alliance
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_NULLIFIED_ALLIANCE

    FactionStanding global -0.1
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20

Trigger 0057_T_Broke_Treaty_terms
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BROKE_TREATY_TERMS

    FactionStanding global -0.15
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

;Trigger 0058_T_Diplomatic_Insult ; fired for every 1000 gold diplomacy proposal under balanced - 1
;    WhenToTest Transgression
;    Condition TransgressionName = TC_DIPLOMATIC_INSULT
;    FactionStanding target_faction -0.07

Trigger 0059_T_Dishonour
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_DISHONOUR

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0060_T_Declared_War
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_DECLARED_WAR

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 4
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20

Trigger 0061_T_Major_Assassination_Attempt
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_MAJOR_ASSASSINATION_ATTEMPT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0062_T_Minor_Assassination_Attempt
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_MINOR_ASSASSINATION_ATTEMPT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80

Trigger 0063_T_Sabotage
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_SABOTAGE

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0064_T_Bribed_Away_Army
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BRIBED_AWAY_ARMY

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10

Trigger 0065_T_Bribed_Away_Character
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BRIBED_AWAY_CHARACTER

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5

Trigger 0066_T_Bribed_Away_Settlement
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BRIBED_AWAY_SETTLEMENT

    FactionStanding global -0.15
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5

Trigger 0067_T_Bribed_Away_Fort
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BRIBED_AWAY_FORT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10

Trigger 0068_T_Battle_Engagement
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BATTLE_ENGAGEMENT
        and not TargetFactionType slave

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80
    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 80

Trigger 0069_T_Instigate_Siege
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INSTIGATE_SIEGE

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0070_T_Spying
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_SPYING

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80

Trigger 0071_T_Threaten_War
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_THREATEN_WAR

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5

Trigger 0072_T_Undeclared_Attack
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0072_T_Undeclared_Attack_Withdraw
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK_WITHDRAW

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 80

    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_INSTIGATE_ASSAULT

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0074_T_BLOCKADE
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BLOCKADE

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40


Trigger 0078b_DT_Break_Alliance_War
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BROKE_ALLIANCE
        and DiplomaticStanceFactions = AtWar

    FactionStanding global -0.5
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 5
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20

Trigger 0078c_DT_Break_Alliance_Neutral
    WhenToTest Transgression

    Condition TransgressionName = TC_BROKE_ALLIANCE
        and DiplomaticStanceFactions = Neutral

    FactionStanding global -0.1
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40


Trigger 0079_F_Trade_Agreement
    WhenToTest FactionTradeAgreementMade

    FactionStanding target_faction 0.07
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 50

Trigger 0080_F_Military_Assistance
    WhenToTest Forgiveness

    Condition ForgivenessName = FC_MILITARY_ASSISTANCE

    FactionStanding global 0.1
    FactionStanding target_faction 0.2
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 20

Trigger 0081_F_Obvious_Bribe ; fired for every 1000 gold given as gift
    WhenToTest Forgiveness

    Condition ForgivenessName = FC_OBVIOUS_BRIBE

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 50

;Trigger 0082_F_Update_Attitude
;    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude
;    Condition FactionStanding > 0.0
;    FactionStanding target_faction 0.01

; Forming an alliance increases relationships (papal states already factored in above)
Trigger 0082b_F_Alliance_Declared
    WhenToTest FactionAllianceDeclared

    Condition not TargetFactionType papal_states

    FactionStanding target_faction 0.2
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 50

; Inter faction marriage increases relationships
Trigger 0082c_P_Faction_Marriage
    WhenToTest InterFactionMarriage

    FactionStanding target_faction 0.2


Trigger 0083_Demeanour
    WhenToTest Demeanour

    FactionStanding target_faction amount 1.0 0.005
    FactionStanding target_allies amount 1.0 0.001

;; AI Relationships ;;

; Make allied factions like us a bit more
Trigger 0083b_Update_Allies
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    FactionStanding allies normalise 1.0 20

; Make enemy factions like us a bit less
Trigger 0084b_Update_Enemies
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition not FactionType slave

    FactionStanding enemies normalise -1.0 20

; Make allies of our allies like us a bit more
Trigger 0083c_Update_Allies_Allies
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = Allied

    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 100

; Make enemies of our allies like us a bit less
Trigger 0084c_Update_Allies_Enemies
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = Allied

    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise -1.0 100

; Make allies of our enemies like us a bit less
Trigger 0083d_Update_Enemies_Allies
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = AtWar

    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 100

; Make enemies of our enemies like us a bit more
Trigger 0084d_Update_Enemies_Enemies
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = AtWar
          and not TargetFactionType slave

    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 100

; Make other Catholic factions like the pope a bit more
Trigger 0084_Update_Papal
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionType Papal_States

    FactionStanding own_religion normalise 1.0 50

; Make other factions like factions of the same religion a bit more
Trigger 0085_Update_Religion
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    FactionStanding own_religion normalise 1.0 100

; Make factions get a case of the 'tall poppy' syndrome.  get narky about the larger factions
Trigger 0086_Update_Tall_Poppy1
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall > 90
        and FactionScoreRank overall <= 1

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 90

Trigger 0087_Update_Tall_Poppy2
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall > 80
        and FactionScoreRank overall <= 3

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 135

Trigger 0088_Update_Tall_Poppy3
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall > 70
        and FactionScoreRank overall <= 5

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 180

; Make factions try and band up with smaller factions
Trigger 0089_Update_Band_Together1
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall < 30
        and FactionScoreRank overall > 3

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 60

Trigger 0090_Update_Band_Together2
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall < 20
        and FactionScoreRank overall > 4

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 45

Trigger 0091_Update_BandTogether3
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionHasRank
        and FactionScorePercent overall < 10
        and FactionScoreRank overall > 5

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 30

; Adjust the AI relationships towards each faction based on difficulty level (AI factions have normal difficulty)
Trigger 0092_Update_Easy_Difficulty
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition CampaignDifficulty = easy

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 50

Trigger 0093_Update_Normal_Difficulty
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition CampaignDifficulty = medium

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 0.0 50

Trigger 0094_Update_Hard_Difficulty
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition CampaignDifficulty = hard

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -0.5 50

Trigger 0095_Update_Very_Hard_Difficulty
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition CampaignDifficulty = very_hard

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0096_Increase_Global_Standing_New_Turn
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    FactionStanding global normalise 0.0 200

Trigger 0097_Increase_Global_Standing_When_Allied
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = Allied

    FactionStanding global normalise 1.0 400

Trigger 0098_Decrease_Global_Standing_When_War
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition DiplomaticStanceFactions = AtWar
        and not TargetFactionType slave

    FactionStanding global normalise -1.0 800

Trigger 0099_prisoners_released_increase_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType release
          and NumCapturedSoldiers > 80

    FactionStanding global 0.025
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 40

Trigger 0100_prisoners_executed_decrease_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType execute
          and NumCapturedSoldiers > 80

    FactionStanding global -0.025
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0099b_prisoners_released_increase_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType release

    FactionStanding global 0.01
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 80
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 160

Trigger 0100b_prisoners_executed_decrease_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType execute

    FactionStanding global -0.01
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 80
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 160

Trigger 0099c_characters_released_increase_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType release
          and NumCapturedCharacters > 0

    FactionStanding global 0.025
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 40

Trigger 0100c_characters_executed_decrease_global
    WhenToTest FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor

    Condition RansomType execute
          and NumCapturedCharacters > 0

    FactionStanding global -0.025
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40

Trigger 0101_sack_settlement_decrease_global
    WhenToTest SackSettlement

    FactionStanding global -0.02
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 40
;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 40

Trigger 0102_extermination_decrease_global
    WhenToTest ExterminatePopulation

    FactionStanding global -0.05
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20

Trigger 0103_occupy_settlement_increase_global
    WhenToTest OccupySettlement

    FactionStanding global 0.05
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise 1.0 40
;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise -1.0 40

;Trigger 0102_city_razed_decrease_global
;    WhenToTest CitySacked

    FactionStanding global -0.05
    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 10
    FactionStanding target_allies normalise -1.0 20
;    FactionStanding target_enemies normalise 1.0 20

; make all other factions hate the rebels
Trigger 0103_Update_Slaves
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition FactionType slave

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 1

; make slaves hate all other factions
;Trigger 0104_Update_Slaves_Reverse
;    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude
;    Condition Not FactionType slave
; and TargetFactionType slave
;    FactionStanding target_faction normalise -1.0 1

; make factions like trustworthy factions more
Trigger 0105_Update_Trustworthy_Factions_Major
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition GlobalStanding > 0.4

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 50

Trigger 0106_Update_Trustworthy_Factions_Minor
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition GlobalStanding > 0.1

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise 1.0 100

; make factions like untrustworthy factions less
Trigger 0107_Update_Untrustworthy_Factions_Major
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition GlobalStanding < -0.4

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 50

Trigger 0108_Update_Untrustworthy_Factions_Minor
    WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

    Condition GlobalStanding < 0.1

    FactionStanding exclude_factions { } normalise -1.0 100

; make existing inter faction marriages improve relationships
Trigger 0109_Update_Marriages
    WhenToTest UpdateAttitude

    Condition NumFactionMarriages > 0

    FactionStanding target_faction normalise 1.0 20


1. 여기서 글로벌 이라고 돼 있는 부분을 유심히 보시면 어떨 때 평판이 오르고 어떨 때 평판이 깎이는 지 알수 있습니다.


2. 빈집 털이, 도시 매수, 포로 처형 등이 심각하게 평판을 갉아 먹는 것을 알 수 있습니다.


3. ;------------------------------------------
Trigger 0096_Increase_Global_Standing_New_Turn
WhenToTest FactionTurnStart

FactionStanding global normalise 0.0 200 그리고 이 항목을 삭제하면 평판이 빠르게 오름을 알 수 있습니다.


