윈도우 11을 윈도우 10처럼 쓰기        컴퓨터  2022. 1. 31. 11:22

GitHub - valinet/ExplorerPatcher에서 How to에서 Setup Program을 클릭.


GitHub - valinet/ExplorerPatcher: This project aims to bring back a productive working environment on Windows 11

This project aims to bring back a productive working environment on Windows 11 - GitHub - valinet/ExplorerPatcher: This project aims to bring back a productive working environment on Windows 11



빠른 실행: 작업표시줄에서 도구모음에 %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch 라 입력


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컨텍스트 윈도우10스타일로.reg


