하츠 오브 아이언 4 (Hearts of Iron IV) - 맨 더 건즈 (Man the Guns) DLC 도전과제 업적 모음
버젼: 1.6.0
압축 풀 위치: %homepath%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\save games
Arsenal of Democracy: Arsenal of Democracy.zip
To Arms in Dixie!: To Arms in Dixie!.zip (6월 13일 까지 기다린다.)
Georgia On My Mind: Georgia On My Mind.zip
History Repeated Itself: History Repeated Itself.zip
Britzkrieg: Britzkrieg.zip
Crush the Dream: Crush the Dream.zip
Assuming Direct Control: Assuming Direct Control.zip (세력 인계만 해주면 됨.)
Treading the Narrow Path: Treading the Narrow Path.zip
The New Home of the Revolution: The New Home of the Revolution.zip
Bevrijding: Bevrijding.zip
Vive la Jeune Ecole: Vive la Jeune Ecole.zip
Nothing Wrong with our Bloody Ships: Nothing Wrong with our Bloody Ships.zip
Underpaid, Undersexed, and Under Eisenhower: Underpaid, Undersexed, and Under Eisenhower.zip
30 Minutes of Hel: 30 Minutes of Hel.zip
Last for a Thousand Years: Last for a Thousand Years.zip
Do You Mined: Do You Mined.zip
William Wallis: William Wallis.zip (월리스와 에드워드 8세 국왕이 귀천상혼으로 결혼하면 안 됨.)
Mi Casa es tu Casa: Mi Casa es tu Casa.zip
버젼: 1.6.1
Putting the Raid on the Medway to Shame & Pride and Extreme Prejudice: Pride and Extreme Prejudice.zip
(영국에 선전 포고한후 기다리면 된다.)
항모20+잠수함40으로 조합하여 해역 3곳과 지역 4곳에 항구타격을 실시한다.